Résumé de section


    For the 4th semester, you will select one compulsory course among a choice of 2:
    - "English for Professional Communication"
    - "Cultural Studies".

    Please find below a description of the 2 courses
  • Business

    English for Professional communication
    = anglais2-2

    This course proposes a systematic approach of professional situations, of scientific and business English with a focus on oral comprehension and practice of meetings and negotiations.

    This course is designed for students who have an intermediate level and want to progress in their mastery of the language in a guided and systematic way.

    Instructors : Nathalie Autret, Gilles Dockerty
  • Business

    Cultural studies

    This course is not organised as a language course but proposes a study of various cultural aspects (art, history of science, rituals, behaviors, literature, films, economics and politics) from various countries using English as a means of communication.

    This course is designed for students who are able to express themselves freely on a wide variety of subjects. Tools for analysis and understanding will be provided within a semiotic and anthropological approach.

    This course is available as an alternative to English for Professional communication

    Instructor : Antonina Bodarenko

    For further details on the contents of the course, refer to the moodle course entitled "Cultural studies" in the humanities section